Our Team

  • Kate

    Kate is the founder of HOM Yoga.

    She has participated in various yoga backgrounds and lineages, but is most drawn to the Ashtanga Vinyasa style for the continual challenge and balance it gives to her everyday practice.

    Her authentic teachings come from the heart and are focused around finding a deep connection to self through the relationship between mind and body.

    Through the HOM studio, Kate seeks to create a space for the community to feel nourished, grounded and at peace.

    Join Kate for: Vinyasa, Yin to Yang, Yin, Foundations, Restorative, Slow Flow

  • Kim

    Kim has been teaching Pilates for 8 years. She is a Clinical Pilates instructor, a PT and Women’s Integrated Health Coach.

    She has a strong passion in helping women find empowerment and wellbeing through education and coaching.

    Her Mat Pilates classes explore movement and breath to connect the mind and the body, playing with strength and flexibility. Each class combines the mindful muscle connection of Pilates with the flowing nature of yoga.

    Join Kim for: Mat Pilates

  • Noelle

    Noelle began her journey into yoga in the early 1990s to help ward off injuries from martial arts training and other sports. She soon became hooked, committing to a daily practice until it eventually took precedence over any other activity. She found a wonderful sense of wellbeing that has stayed with her ever since.

    A desire to deepen her understanding of the history and philosophy of yoga led to teacher training in early 2015. She completed 750 hours with Greenwood Yoga Academy and a further 150 hours with The Yoga vine to study Yin Yoga & Anatomy.

    Initially practicing Iyengar for many years, she enjoy the focus on anatomical alignment that it taught her and loves finding ways to adapt a practice to suit everybody (and every body). She teaches many forms of Yo- ga taking elements of many styles and lineages sometimes mixing in a little movement magic to create a mixed bag of calm, strong Yoga to help people move more comfortably, kindly and competently.

    Join Noelle for: Vinyasa, Foundations, and Yin

  • Faye

    Faye joins the HOM team as a yoga teacher, reiki healer and master NLP coach. Drawing on this experience, her classes focus on building a connection to self, through the relationship between mind and body.

    Initially drawn to yoga for the physical benefits, her practice has deepened over the past 15 years to have a much deeper spiritual layer.

    She’s been able to draw on these lessons during challenging periods of her life to find inner peace, clarity and compassion for others.

    Her Yin classes are a beautiful opportunity to tune inwards, while exploring the relationship between science and spirituality.

    Join Faye for:
    Yin and Restorative

  • Betty

    Betty is as passionate as a student as she is teacher, drawing on her experience to help others in getting the most out of their yoga practice (on and off the mat).

    Her love of this rich practice drives her passion to help others connect to their eternal space within. She facilitates students to feel intimate within their body and breath, in a way that is most comfortable for them.

    Betty encourages her students to feel a sense of balance from within.

    Join Betty for:

    Vinyasa & Slow Flow

  • Carmela

    Carmela commenced Yoga in 1996 becoming a dedicated Ashtanga Vinyasa practitioner for over 20 years under the guidance of Monica Gauci and Gregor Maehle.

    She has been teaching since 2000, completing her Teacher Training with 8 Limbs in 2002. In recent years her dedication to Mantra has increased, having studied with Nitya Mohan (Svastha Yoga and Ayurveda) and continues her Mantra classes with her teacher and mentor Monica Gauci of 8 Limbs.

    As she continues to follow the 8 Limbed Path of Patanjali, her approach to teaching asana is an eclectic style that fuses all modalities of movement she has studied and practiced over the years and is on the path to share her love of all things yoga and movement. We are so honoured to have Carmela as our special guest from time to time to cover classes and run workshops. We highly recommend signing up for any class or style she teaches!

    Join Carmela for: Yin, Mantra & Meditation, & Myofacial Release

  • Tanya

    For the past two decades Tanya has been a dedicated student of the Ashtanga style. This led her to study, learn and eventually teach the yoga practise to others.

    Expect dynamic, flowing and accessible yoga sequences during Tanya’s classes, as she draws on her background in pilates, personal training and nutrition.

    Post class, you may find yourself leaving the studio with a heart-warming grin as big as Tanya’s!

    Join Tanya for: Vinyasa and Foundations.

  • Daniele

    Daniele believes that “Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back."

    He is trained in many style of yoga from physical practice like Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Hatha, to mindfulness practice like Yin, Nidra, Pranayama, Meditation, Philosophy and Sound Healing.

    He has lived and breathed the yoga pathway by practicing daily with consistency and discipline for the last 5 years, adopting a vegetarian diet, simplistic lifestyle and spreading his love for yoga philosophy in every class he teaches.

    Join Daniele for: Vinyasa, Yin & Sound Healing, Restorative, Nidra

  • Adrienne

    Adrienne has been teaching yoga since 2013 with training in Vinyasa, Yin Level I & II as well as being a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist and Indian Head Massage Therapist.

    She is a mum to 2 beautiful little boys and taught through both her pregnancies and an ankle reconstruction. She draws on this direct insight and knowledge as well as all her years of experience and training into practicing and teaching yoga.

    She is passionate about connecting a strong physical and philosophical practice for students to explore and dive into the world of yoga.

    Join Adrienne for: Vinyasa, Yin, Yang-Yin, Restorative + Nidra

  • Fiona

    Fiona started her teaching journey 23 years ago when she was originally drawn to and inspired by movement to music. Since then, her teaching and experience has continuously evolved from high-energy through to mind body classes. She loves sharing her passion with others and is a forever student, continuing to grow and evolve.

    Fiona loves the flow of movement and breath in vinyasa flow and the calming centering of mindfulness and meditation.

    "There is something quite magical and powerful in moving with breath and music in a room with other people and sharing that experience together."

    Expect to flow to groovy music and be transported through Fiona's dreamy guided meditation and savasanas.

    Join Fiona for: Vinyasa

  • Lew

    Lew’s yoga journey started about ten years ago with a 90-minute Bikram Yoga session as a way to sort out hamstring stiffness to be a better long-distance cyclist. He did not know what had hit him, but I kept going back!

    “I was introduced to the practice of Yin Yoga by a friend and yoga mentor as a complement to the more active yang styles of yoga, and then went on to complete my Yin Yoga teacher training in beautiful Bali, trained by Joe Phee and Jo Barnett in the functional approach developed by Paul Grilley.

    I see a yin yoga as a practice of a gentle internal focus, approaching life with a spiritual mindset involving the body in this practice. It's more than just the physical, more than meditation, it’s a commitment to a way of life.

    My approach to Yin is not teaching postures or shapes but to teaching people – we are all different and my role as a facilitator is to help guide students to find their way to a shape or to make sense of movement or settle into a reflective state that is relevant and accessible to them.”

    Join Lew For: Yin & Restorative + Nidra

  • Amber Day

    I began practicing yoga about 10 years ago to help combat pain in my body. It wasn't until a few years later, when I was going through a stressful time in my life, that I dove deeper into my practice and began to realise that we are so much more than just the physical body.

    In 2020, my own personal healing journey began which led me to seek a more spiritual parth and inspired me to complete my 200hr Teacher Training. From there, I also became a certified reiki practitioner and sound healer.

    My teaching style has taken a softer approach with more focus on connecting the body, mind and soul. I love weaving sound and essential oils into my classes so that students leave feeling a replenished and rejuvenated.

    Join Amber for: Vinyasa, Yin, & Yang to Yin

We as teachers are here to help facilitate your yoga journey.
Each time you come for class, it is a gift you give to yourself.
You are making time to create space and awareness,
in both mind and body.